A beautiful new Mikvah will elevate the woman’s experience, as well as enhance Shalom Bayis and Jewish family life.
We seek to construct a centrally-located, state-of-the-art mikvah in Northeast Philadelphia that accommodates our community’s incredible growth, now and for the future.

Landscaping designed to ensure privacy for this delicate mitzvah

Accommodations for the physically challenged

Separate Women’s Mikvah and Men’s Mikvah built to the highest Halachic standards

7 preparation rooms with modern fixtures and amenities, including a beautiful bridal suite

Centrally located building with ample parking, increased security, and sufficient lighting

Spacious Keilim Mikvah with separate entrance
Our current mikvah is rusting and is in a state of disrepair. Extensive renovations would be needed for ongoing functionality. It is located in a compromised location with many safety concerns, and a far walk from the growing community.